Friday, April 20, 2012

Date Night

A couple of weekends ago, we had our monthly date night with the fam! We went to Billman's and had dinner. They had karaoke and a dance floor! Talk about a super fun time!
I just love my family so much! They are seriously the best in laws that anyone could ask for :) 

Me & Eli

 Justin & Shar

Katie was the first out of all of us to get up and sing.
 Go Katie! 
You have such an amazing voice!

 Hanna and "Chris" (Sharla) singing their duet! :)

 Me and Eli doing a duet to Moulin Rouge. 
So much fun!!!

Shar and KK! Just chillin'

 Hanna & Chris

Most of the group

 Just being our crazy selves

Funny story: While we were all out on the dance floor with our hunnies, Katie goes "Eli, why are you so far away from Sav? Oh wait...her belly!!"
Haha plus there was a short joke included too...I was trying my hardest to reach around his neck. :)

 Cameron and Katie's duet to Greece.
So much fun to listen to them!

As we were walking out, some guy says, "Seriously, who brings a pregnant chick to a bar?"
Haha well I didn't know it was exactly considered a bar, and apparently Eli brings a pregnant chick to the bar!! 

We had such a great time. I definitely wouldn't mind doing this again. 
I heart date nights. <3

1 comment:

  1. That was such a fun night. Thanks for the compliment, I think you have a gorgeous voice as well. Haha, and sorry about the big belly comment... I really was so confused why you and eli were standing so far apart! :) Love you so much. Glad you are my sister!
