Wednesday, August 28, 2013

2 Years, Rexburg Splash Pad, & my FAVORITE holiday!

For our 2 year anniversary, we decided to spend a night up at the family land! We left Remi with my 3 sisters (for the first time by the way) and headed up with our little pop up camper!

Me and my love! 

We are so lucky to have this land to come up and enjoy whenever we want.
It's so beautiful.

We decided to grab our poles and do a little fishing at the reservoir. We bought some tubes and decided to fish off of them! Right were we got it, there were HUGE sucker fish up on the bank fighting. It made me a little hesitant to get in the water but I did! 

E+S= LOVE   ;)

When we got done fishing and swimming, we took the back way to get back to the land. I got tons of awesome pictures on our way!

This right here is paradise valley. GORGEOUS! 

Brought our 22's and did a little shooting! 

I made tinfoil dinners before we went up so all we had to do was throw them in to the fire and dinner was served! It was so delicious. There is just something about tinfoil dinners that I love. 
After dinner we went on a little walk together. It was so fun spending time together. 

Before bed we laid in bed and watched though all of the videos that we both had of Remington. 
We missed her so much!!

The next day, we drove over to Soda Springs! On the way there we ran in to this herd of sheep.

This dog was sure doing it's duty! It ran right up on our back wheels, baring it's teeth! 

We stopped at the Geyser and took a little break!

Eli called ahead to see if Becca would make us lunch to surprise me. So sweet, I know.
It was delicious as always!! We took a few pictures with them, visited for a bit, and we were off!

I had such a great time just me and my hubby! I seriously can't believe all that has happened this year. It has had it's ups and downs, but I have loved every minute of having Eli there to support me. This past year we had our first baby, Remi, Eli got a job at Best Buy, we bought our first house, and have made so many more wonderful memories!  Happy two year anniversary babe, I LOVE YOU!

While Ali was here visiting, we all took a trip up to the Rexburg Splash Park!!

Remi LOVE LOVED LOVED the water. You may not be able to tell in the right picture, but she enjoyed it so much. She kept trying to sit on the water that was coming out of the ground.
She played in the cold water until her lips turned purple. (Then I decided we probably better pack up!)

Can you stand that little belly/booty. Oh my heck I can't get over how cute she is! :)

I am pretty sure that she saw some people tanning nearby, so she was copying them. (Almost Rem, next time lay, on the HOT concrete :) )
She is such a little parrot. I love how quick she can catch on to things. 


Eli had to work until 3pm, but Remi and I headed over to the parade and met up with my mom and Livvy!
Remi looked so cute in her outfit. She enjoyed the parade for the most part. She loved the horses, hated the horns from the big trucks! She'd scream and start shaking! :(

Me and my sweetie pie

Remi and Livvy watching the parade

Dani is such a cute cheer leader! Glad I could snag a few pictures of her!

After lunch, we headed out to Rigby Lake! She devoured the watermelon as always, and then actually got in the water. I walked out pretty far with her, and she insisted that I let her go. She kept trying to lay down in the water and she would kick her arms and legs! I was so proud. I am definitely putting her in swimming lessons next year! 

She zonked out on Grandma. It had been a long day already and the day wasn't even half over yet!

We went home and met up with Eli and got ready to go to the river. That is one of my favorite things to do since I was a kid. We went down and walked around looking at all of the bands and stuff. (mostly people watching as well) We ran in to tons of people that we knew!
We grabbed dinner at the teriayki place. YUM! Reminded me of the fair.

Because of a very tragic event, the fire works started an hour late!
Remi started to get very restless so we were walking to the car when all of a sudden it started. We plopped down in the road and got the best view I've had in years. That will be our new spot!

I am so thankful for the freedoms that we share. I am so proud to be an American!

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