When we got back from our little vacation in Hebgen Lake, Montana, I decided to take London in. She had been acting really fussy the whole weekend. She wasn't very interested in eating at all. I started to get worried on Sunday night (Eli's birthday) and ended up taking her in to the ER.
They hooked her up to the oxygen monitor and looked her over. They ended up testing her for RSV, and sure enough, it came back positive as well as bronchiolitis. We had been there for about three hours when they decided to send us home. The whole time we were there, the oxygen stayed right at 98-100, and they said her lungs were almost all the way clear. They did a chest x-ray and ruled out any pneumonia as well. So, we headed home!
The next day, my father in law came over and helped Eli give her a blessing. She was doing alright until about 7 pm. I had laid her down and when I picked her up, she threw up really bad and started to choke. She usually always spits up if I lay her on her back, but this time her lips turned really purple and she was gasping for air. She finally started breathing again, but I noticed that her ribs were collapsing each time she took a breath. This is what the doctor told me to watch for. So, I frantically put her in her car seat, grabbed my phone charger and some extra diapers, and headed to the ER again.
They checked her lungs again and they were still very clear. The doctor told us because of the choking episode, she would need to be watched over night though. About an hour after being there, her oxygen started to drop. The nurse came in and had me hold a little mask over her nose to help her breath. He said they were definitely going to admit us now.
A nurse walked us up to the pediatric unit and took us to our room. The room was painted with the characters from Winne the Pooh. Right by the door read this quote,
"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
-Christopher Robin
Soon after we got settled into our room, London Spiked a fever of 102. Her oxygen levels kept dropping, and she would only eat a tiny bit. I think I slept 3 hours that night. I was so worried. My sweet baby was only 8 weeks old and in the hospital. The mom guilt definitely sets in, but I knew that she was in good hands, and Heavenly Father was watching over her.
The nurses would weigh her diapers, and throughout the whole night, she only put out 26 ml, which they said was not very much AT ALL. If she didn't put out more the next morning, we would probably have to get an IV.
By 11 am the next morning (Tuesday) she had already put out 68 ml. If she kept that up, no Iv would be needed!
Eli and my mom came by to visit me that morning, which was so great to have support. While my mom was visiting, I could tell that London was feeling pretty warm. They checked her, and sure enough, her fever was back up to 102. They gave her some medicine and once the fever was down, they let her try and go without oxygen for a little bit. Later in the evening, it started to drop again, and so she was put back on it.
There were times where I just broke down. As a parent, we want to fix everything for our kids and make it better, but this time I wasn't really able to do that. I cuddled my baby close and prayed to my Heavenly Father. He would be there with her and I while we went through this trial, and everything would be ok. London was on oxygen the rest of the night.
On Wednesday morning, the nurses tried to take her off again, but after 20 minutes it dropped as low as 73, and she was put back on it. Even though her oxygen kept dropping, she was eating so well, plenty of wet diapers, and sleeping like a champ. All she needed was to get the oxygen up. The doctor said that he typically wants to see them sleep through the night without needing it at all.
My dad came in for a visit that day, and he brought London a cute little stuffed animal. It was good to get some snuggles from grandpa!
Eli would come in and visit me and London each night. I am so thankful for both of our moms that were so willing to take the girls so he could come in. I am also thankful for Eli's wonderful boss that allowed him to work from home, so that he could be with Remi and Brixton. Eli is such a great dad. I missed my girls so much, but I knew they were so well taken care of by their daddy. He took them to the store and let them pick out dress up clothes. When he came in Wednesday night, he brought London a new outfit! I could not have picked a better person to be my husband

At about 2am Thursday morning, the nurses turned her oxygen off. She was able to stay off of it the ENTIRE night and day. Around 6 pm, the doctor came in and told us he couldn't believe the turnaround he saw with London, especially because of her age. He had suspected that should would have had to be there until the next week. By about 7 pm we were all packed up and checked out. My mom had come to visit, and was such a great help to have her there when it was time to go. I am so thankful to have had her in there with me and for her support.
I know that through prayer, London was able to progress so quickly. The last night I was in the hospital, I decided to scroll through the comments on Eli's post about London.
there were comments after comments of people sending their prayers our way. Literally people from all over the world were praying for our sweet baby. I have never in my life FELT, and I mean felt, the prayers from all of the many friends and family that we have. My whole body was filled with a warm and comforting feeling, and I know all of the prayers on our behalf were answered. I can't even say how much it meant to have so many people checking up on us and London. My amazing bishop even came in to the hospital to see how we were doing.
London is now home and doing good. She is SO happy!
One week later, we took her in to the Dr. for a follow up. Lungs were clear, and she had gained 1/2 pound in one week. Yay!
The Lord works in mysterious ways. Through this trial, my testimony on faith and prayer were strengthened beyond measure. I have seriously never felt prayers the way I did those 4 days. I am so thankful to have my baby girl home. I am especially thankful to have her in our family!