Saturday, December 26, 2015

London is One Month

My little London was a month old on the December 23rd.
She is sleeping 4 hour stretches at night, loves to cuddle, and loves her milk. She has done so well with nursing. She is now 9 pounds and 7 ounces! She is so loved by her sisters. They love to cuddle her. When London hears Remi's voice, she immediately settles down.
London is a bright eyed girl! She is doing well at following our voices. She definitely loves her mama's voice, and she kicks and wiggles when she hears me.
The transition to three was surprisingly easier than the transition to two. I was worried that Brixton would get jealous of all the attention given to the baby, but she has done so well. Remi is so much help. She loves to cuddle London when mommy needs to get something done.
We are so happy to finally have her in our family.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

London's Birth Story

On November 23rd, 2015, Eli and I left the girls with grandma Patsy and went into EIRMC to be induced with baby number three. We got to the hospital at about 7am. The nurse led us to room 117, the same room that we delivered Remington and Brixton in! What are the odds of that?! I thought it was pretty cool. The nurse was ready to give me my IV around 8 am, but she could not get a good vein. It took 3 different people and 6 different sticks before they got the needle in for good. After the third try I was really feeling sick. I got very lightheaded and sick to my stomach. I was very glad once they got it in. My Pitocin didn’t start until about 9 am. I was dilating about 1 centimeter every two hours. Around 12 o’clock, Dr. Allphin came in and broke my water. I sure had a lot come out. I got the doctor’s pants soaked! It was a little bit embarrassing how much water came out!
The contractions really started to get tough after that. I was starting to feel the pain, and so around 1:45 pm I decided to get my epidural. I am always so nervous for this part and also relieved once it is in and I am no longer in pain. The anesthesiologist put the needle in and I could feel some stinging on my left side. He had to take it out and do it again. The second time, it was where it needed to be, and in no time I was feeling a lot more relaxed.
The nurses checked on me about every 20-30 minutes. My blood pressure always drops quite a bit when I get the epidural. I was still only dilating 1 centimeter every two hours. I was sure I would have her quickly because of all the contractions I had felt during the last part of my pregnancy. Around 8 pm I was really slowing down and the baby’s heart rate was dropping some, and so the nurse got a medicine ball and had me lay on my side with it between my legs. After switching sides with the ball for about 2 hours, I was finally dilated to an eight almost a nine. I was fairly relaxed throughout the day because of my epidural that I almost drifted off to sleep a few times, but by 11 pm I was exhausted and very glad when I was starting to feel a lot of pressure with each contraction. The doctor came in and checked my a little after 11 and sure enough it was time. They got everything prepped and ready to go. Before I knew it, it was time to push. I kept telling Eli how nervous and scared I was for some reason. I just couldn’t shake the feeling.
They let Eli deliver for the most part. It was really neat. I started my first push and she was definitely coming. After my first push the doctor stopped me and told me not to push anymore. He didn’t want me to tear. I kept asking if I could push because I felt so much pressure. The weird thing was that I could feel her coming out but it didn’t hurt at all. (When I had Brixton, I could feel it and it hurt really badly.)
London Marie Coon born at 11:15 pm on November 23, 2015; 7 pounds even 20 inches long.
She came out very easily and they laid her on my stomach. The cord had been wrapped around her neck 3 times, her waist, and her leg and arm. My sweet little London lay there lifeless, as blue as could be. I could tell right away that something was not right. I kept asking them why she wasn’t crying. The nurse looked at the doctor and said “Cut the cord, I want her.” They rushed little London over. I could hardly look over at her as she lay there lifeless. The nurses were checking her heartbeat, shaking their head no. All of a sudden I hear them call for the NICU nurses. I completely lost it.
My poor baby was surrounded by about 10 nurses. She still hadn’t cried or even made a peep. I could see them clearing out her airway and sticking tubes down her throat. I just laid there and cried. I have never felt so helpless in my life, and I have never prayed so hard in my life. I feel as if I have always been able to help my children when they are in need. Not this time. My sweet baby lay there, struggling to breath and I could do nothing about it except pray. My amazing doctor stood by my side, assuring me that everything was alright while my sweet husband was over by his baby trying to comfort her in some way. Over and over I kept saying, “I can’t do this, I can’t do this!”  All I wanted was to hear her cry.
Finally after about 10 minutes or so the color finally came over her whole body. She still didn’t cry, but I hear her make a little noise as she was looking around the room with her big, beautiful eyes. She was finally breathing on her own. I was very surprised when they let me hold her. She nursed right away. After they had checked her over, they found a small heart murmur and her heart was also skipping a beat about every 10 seconds. (Luckily, by the time we left the hospital, both we gone.) They got me cleaned up and we went in to our room. London was eating so well. I was really worried about taking my eyes off of her, but I desperately needed some sleep, and so the nurses took her in to the nursery and let me get some rest.
The next morning, my sweet Remi and Brixton came to visit. The girls were in LOVE! Brixton yanked her close and gave her kisses. Remi didn’t want to put her down and was so sad when they had to leave. I was so happy to have all my girls together.
We stayed one more night at the hospital. Every test was coming back great. The doctors and nurses told us she was perfect. The nurses were so happy when I let them take her in the next night as well. They told me they had been waiting for me to ask because she was such a sweetheart and they couldn’t wait to snuggle her. She seriously never cried at all! When they weighed her, gave her shots etc. She was so sweet and calm. I could not put her down and was cuddling constantly.
The next morning, Eli and the girls came to pick us up! Remington helped me dress her and get her into her car seat. I was so excited to be going home. Brixton threw quite the fit on our way out. That is nothing new, and I knew it wasn’t because of the baby. She did amazing with the baby when we got home. I thought she would be emotional and feel left out, but she was as happy as could be. Eli was able to spend the whole week with us. Words cannot even begin to describe the help he was with EVERYTHING; from cleaning to grocery shopping and helping with the kids. I sure picked the best husband and father out there.
The transition to three kids has been a lot easier than I anticipated. Remi is definitely a big helper to me. My first week at home with them by myself went very smoothly. It is not easy by any means, but London is such a good baby that I can’t complain. I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for getting her here safely. I love my family and I am so glad I get them for eternity. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Update on my Remi girl

I feel so bad that it has, once a gain, been a while since I wrote!
Remi is HILARIOUS! And sassy....and just too smart for her own good!
Here is a little list of some of the funny things Remi has been saying.
I wish I could remember everything, but its hard when seriously everything she says is sooo funny:

Remi told us that "Thanksgiving is pie, chicken, and cookies. 
She is thankful for presents and blanket. 
Wants to go on a mission

"I want to marry daddy I need a wedding dress. I will get it at the dollar store. Oh wait dollar store doesn't have dresses. daddy will wear batman."

Had accident. "Oh mom is OK it's not your fault know it's mine."
"I do booty dance and gma dance and everyone laughed for more. "
"Elsa told me to dump water"

She calls the microwave a microphone

"Mommy will you sing me good night song like i love you remi" She reads the love you forever book.

"Ways be my mommy"
"Come now you you'll get a spanking in your bed all by yourself with no books"

"I will give you a dollar if you set up the Christmas tree" What do you want to be when you grow up? 
"I want to drive a car by myself. "
"Jesus died for us. I Want to die with jesus."
LOVES play food.

Imaginary friend is Junie from spy kids.

"I saved you a spot. What you wanna talk about. Let's talk about purses." She sang me songs. When I sang the temple song she kissed my cheek and I felt the spirit so strong. "Homemade water is my favorite."

"Look behind mommy brixton there's a kitty!"

"Brixton is just chilin" Told Grandma Mallard to put the tree away because Christmas is over. Told barney to shut it down " The front closet... looks like a garage sale. Look at my new boots" Who loves you at your house? " Brixton"
Eli was picking her up for a daddy daughter date. She wasnt ready yet and said...  
"Oh no daddy can't see me I am not ready!"

"Look brix mommy got us new hangers! are you excited?" "I am not a baby I am a kid." "This is my new move... cut the wood " (chopping motion) Shovels her cards when we play uno! "I don't know how I turned into a kid. Maybe mom cast a spell on me"

Started sobbing hysterically when we watch Fox and the Hound. :( She calls it Fox and the hem tree
Are you a good cook? "Heck yes"

She is so grateful and excited about life. She tells us often that "this is the best day ever!"
"Bo ken arrow .." (bow and arrow) was our latest find for her at DI. She loves the show "Brave" and was so excited! 
Farts... "what did I just eat"

Those are some of the awesome things that Remi says.
I can't get enough of my sweetie pie!

9 months-- Brixton

Wasn't I just writing her 8 month post? :'(
My baby turned 9 months on March 9th!
She started out crawling backwards and rolling and going from her stomach to sitting. But then she got the crawling down as well! She finally did it when we set some soda and a bag of chips in front of her. haha! We were all downstairs sitting there as a family hanging out. Brixton and Remi were crawling and playing in the laundry room while Eli and I watched the voice. There is nothing that can make my heart sing more when I see my girls laughing and smiling together. 

Brixton is so smart already! She learned how to drink through a straw, she knocks over the block tower and growls, she hand the ball back and forth, and says mama, dahhhh, hi, and duck (in a whisper.)
She's trying to say bath as well. When ever she can, she is off and to the bathroom as fast as she can crawl. She loves baths. 
Whenever Eli calls me, his picture pops up. Brixton says dahhh and wants to hold the phone. She just recently started to put it up to her ear.
We love to play "i'm gonna get ya" with her. Remi or Eli say that to her and start coming towards her. She turns in to me as fast as she can and basically crawls up to my shoulders, haha!
She washes Remi's face with a wash cloth when they are in the bath, and she tries to brush Remi's hair. Remi is such a good sport and lets her. She also tries to color on the coloring book when Remi is coloring. 
She had her two bottom teeth pop through as well and is enjoying REAL food. So much fun!
This month has been a blast. We are loving watching you grow, Brixton. Our family wouldn't be complete with out you in it!
Love you!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Brixton is 8 months

Brixton Lyla Coon turned 8 months old on February 9th! She is the cutest little thing. She started drinking water out of sippy cups this month. She thinks it is the coolest thing ever. She tips her head back and takes a big drink. I have given her some pancakes and mandarin oranges so far and she is a huge fan. She is still drinking 6 ounces every few hours, and she loves her baby food. 
She says ba-ba all of the time, really loud! She is also starting to try and say hi more like "hah!"
She is starting to dive on to her stomach. She can turn around and scoot backwards. She's also finally starting to roll all over the place and will get stuck under the end table!
If you hold up your hand and say hi five, she hits it over and over again with her hand and smiles so big. Her wave is the funniest thing. She hold her arm in the air for a long time and then almost salutes as she brings in down really fast, ha ha!
Whenever I get her out of her crib from naptime or in the mornings, Remi usually hides outside her door to scare Brixton. Brixton leans forward and peaks around the corner to find Remi. She seriously loves her sister and still lights up every time she sees her.
She is still a total mommy's girl and I am hoping she does better with other people once she can crawl!
I can't believe how close we are getting to her being a year old. I am enjoying each new stage as it comes. I never thought my heart would be so full seeing both of my girls interact, smile, and hug.
It makes me so happy.
Love you Brix!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Brixton is 7 months!

My beautiful baby Brixton turned 7 months old on January 9th! 
She weighed about 19 pounds at her trip to the doctors office.
She is still enjoying the fact that she can sit up on her own. She loves to play toys with her big sister.
She is eating rice cereal still, and she really loves bananas, pears, and sweet potatoes!
She is eating about 5 ounces every 2 1/2 hours. Gaining weight like a pro!

When she gets excited she sits and waves her arms up and down and smiles so big. It is so cute seeing her recognize certain people or things. She is really starting to be aware of Remington and laughs and smiles and basically anything that Remi does!

She really loves to scream! She will squeal at the top of her lungs all day long. Happy or sad! 
She is also starting to get the hang of kisses, and she will give you a big fat wet one if you ask her!

She sleeps AMAZING! Still has the napping down. About 3 a day. And she is sleeping 11-12 straight hours!! HEAVENLY, I tell you. Remi does the same so I have no complaints there. 
She really like toys that light up and make noise and music. I have a feeling she will love to dance just like her sister.
She is such a mamas girl. I almost dread the day when she crawls and then walks because I feel she may be too big to want me anymore!

I sure love this little sass! She adds a lot of joy and love to our family. 
Happy 7 months Brixton Lyla! Can't wait to see what this next month holds for you!