Monday, November 5, 2012

6 months old!

Yep, my little girl is actually 6 months old! 
I remember a friend of ours had their 6 month old hanging out with us, and I was still pregnant with Remington. I remember thinking, wow, what will it be like when my daughter is that old? 

Remington is getting so independent. 
I think it drives her crazy sometimes that she can't exactly tell us what she wants.
She is FINALLY eating baby food! WHOO!
The day before her 6 month check up, she downed a whole can of applesauce.
She is still getting used to it, but she eats a lot of it now. I am so proud.
It is really cute to see her sitting up in her high chair, the carts in the store, or the high chairs in the restaurants  She loves being a big girl.

Remi still hasn't rolled, but she can get about 3/4 of the way over. 
She is very good at going from a sitting position to her belly.
Her new favorite thing to do is suck on her lip, and it kind of sounds like she is beat boxing, just like her dad! 
The other day, she was sitting playing toys, and she reached down, got the remote, and held it to to TV. 
I don't' know if this is a good thing or a bad thing...
I really don't watch must TV though so I think it just means she is very smart for her age... :)
She is getting more and more talkative everyday! She loves primary, especially singing time. 
She likes to sing along with me whenever I sing to her as well.
She laughs at every thing! It is probably the cutest thing ever  to see what she finds completely hilarious.
The two things that made her laugh the hardest lately is when my sisters were throwing little stuffed animals at the ceiling fan. Sometimes she would start laughing before they even threw it!
Another thing is when ever I put a stuffed animal on my head and tip it over on to her. She laughs SO hard!
She is so good at picking things up with her hand (wants to eat EVERYTHING!) and is very good at sitting up by herself. 
At her 6 month check up, she weighed 17 pounds and 14 ounces.
She is now 25 inches long. 
Still in the 75th for weight and the 25th for height. Taking after her mama!
I love this little stinker so much! 
Happy 6 months Remi!!

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