Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring Fever!

We have definitely had our dose of spring fever these last couple of weeks! We love taking Barney to the park and getting out in the fresh air. We drove over to Tautphaus Park and spent some time throwing the frisbee and walking around in the sunshine! 

He's such a good dog!

Eli and Barney playing fetch.

Me and my Love

I love when we have visitors! Olivia came and spent the night at our house, and we had a blast! We played scrabble and farkle, she helped me do some grocery shopping, BBQ, and me her and Eli went and saw "Lady in Black" at the theater!

We have also had some really fun game nights with friends! One night we went to our friends, Karly and Wade's and played Kings Crown...I think that's what it's called? And had a great visit with them!

Josh and Katie Kunde have been over for BBQ-ing and Settlers of Catan. Might I add that I actually won once when we played. I was so proud :)

Here is my 36 week picture!
We are starting the 4 week countdown and we could not be more excited!

I have stopped working now and I am just waiting for my baby girl to get here! We are all the way ready...well I guess as ready as we can be since we are new to parenthood :)

We found out some GREAT news as well... we're moving!!!
Yay!! I am so happy! We get to move out to a house in Iona that has a much bigger yard so that Barney can have plenty of room to run around without our anal neighbor on our case! We will be out there in a couple of weeks and we are going to put a garden in too! 
We can't wait to be out in the country again and close to our families.

 We have loved this little apartment. We have made so many memories here and have loved being so close to town. (Although, I go to the D.I. basically everyday which makes the chance of me spending money much greater ;) So maybe this will be good for me Eli thinks! 

I better start packing. Anyone have any boxes? We have wayyy too much stuff for a couple that has only been married 10 months haha! 
Maybe packing  is how I will put myself in to labor?? :)

1 comment:

  1. Hope you got all of that park playing in, before all of this SNOW! WHAT THE? You look too cute. I am so excited for you guys to move out here, and be in our ward! Hurry already!

