Tuesday, August 28, 2012

ReCOONion 2012-- Palisades

I looked forward to the annual ReCOONion so much this year. We hadn't taken Remington camping yet, so we were so excited. My dad gave us his pop up camper, and we couldn't wait to try it out. I forgot to take a picture of the truck and camper all loaded up, but I really wish you could've see it! We had Eli's little truck all loaded up in the bed, the camper hooked up behind it, and a flat boat and canoe on top of the camper. Talk about a HEAVY load! We were gassing up at the 6/12 and we ran into a friend of ours. All he had to say was, "You guys sure are brave." 

So we headed out on our way!! Squished in Eli's little Ford pickup. The reunion was at Palisades, which is only an hour drive from our house. It is such a beautiful drive. I love going on drives with Eli. He is always on the look out for deer. I enjoy our talks that we have together! Soon enough, we arrived safely! The truck did awesome pulling all of our stuff. We got to the campsite and got everything set up!

Right above our campsite was a huge herd of sheep. 
It was really neat to watch the cowboys herd the sheep with their dogs.

We spent the day at the lake. There were tons of blow up toys and boats for all of us to enjoy. We set up a little tent for the babies and had a good lunch. Me and the girls all went out together on tubes and paddled around the lake. It is absolutely gorgeous up there! Funny moment: All of us girls decided to jump off of our tubes and when we did, we were all freaking out paddling so hard. We thought that we couldn't touch and treaded water for a while. Then all of a sudden we all stand up and realize the water was only waist deep!! Good times, good times... :)

Dylan enjoying the sun

Eli and Truman in the teeter totter

Barney was basically in HeAvEn!! He ran and ran and ran and ran......ALL day long! There were four other dogs there and they all played the entire time. Barney is not much of a swimmer. Eli kept trying to take him our into the water, but he would swim standing almost all of the way upright. It was pretty funny! Barney played so hard that he would hardly eat anything. We would have to kennel him so that he could eat his food!

Caught Jerry taking a snooze... zzzzzzzzzzz...

Remington insists on having the blanket over her whole body, including her entire face, while she is sleeping. Even in the heat... in a tent... she still insists! LOL. 

Here is our little camper! We enjoyed staying in it so much! We stayed pretty warm for the most part. Eli would get up in the night and turn on the stove for a while until the camper was heated up nice and cozy! Remington got a whole bed to herself. Can we say spoiled much??

A little friend came to say hello in broad daylight!
It was BATman :)

This is the dog that lives with the herd of sheep. While we were playing in the water, it came down to get a drink. We walked over to pet it and get a closer look. I wish I would've gotten a better picture. It was such a beautiful dog, and it was HUGE!!

The Coon Clan

We live in such a beautiful land! We are so blessed to be so close to all of this amazing country! I enjoy camping and being in the outdoors so much. It gives me a time to reflect on all that I have been blessed with and all that Heavenly Father has given to us. 

Eli's awesome truck and our awesome camper!! 

What would I do without this man? He is such an amazing husband and father! What is more attractive than your husband feeding your sweet baby? ;)

Oops! Jerry snoozing away again... :)

Long day at the lake! Worn out!

Reward ceremony for the kids and doggies! 

Remington received the award for "Luscious Locks" 

Since Barney was the fastest dog there, of course he received the award "Speed Racer" ;)

Love this baby girl to PIECES!! Had such a great time camping with her and our family!

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