Thursday, August 29, 2013

Eli goes on the 50 miler!!!

Ever since Eli was a really little boy, he has had the opportunity to go on the 50 miler, at the White Clouds, with his dad. He hasn't been able to go since he got home from his mission/ we got married due to his jobs.
Well he actually has paid vacation at Best Buy now so he was able to take the entire week off!

He left bright and early Monday morning, and they got back on Saturday night late.
I will admit that is was not easy having him come that long (and no cell service whatsoever!)

I definitely missed him way too much and was like a little girl when he finally called me on Saturday!

Eli and his dad! 

And of course, the week that Eli is gone the entire week, Remington gets a DOUBLE ear infection. (she's never even had one before!) The poor thing was in so so much pain. She would just scream non stop, and so on Wednesday I took her in and sure enough she was not ok!

The night before she slept in bed with me, and was so lethargic, pale skin, cold sweats, and a horrible fever! I was so nervous and didn't know what to do! She seemed to love the idea of eating a popsicle, and that combined with some tylenol, her fever finally came down! 

This is a couple days after being on antibiotics. They definitely helped out and I saw a complete change in her once she was on them for 24 hours! 
I love this pictures so much, because even though she is so sick and sad, I absolutely loved that she cuddled on me and fell asleep.
That never happens, so I was taking advantage for sure!

Eli had the time of his life! He got beautiful pictures and some videos as well. He even made a video just for me showing a beautiful lake and saying how much it made him miss me. :) Awh haha.
He caught lots of fish and said he enjoyed being up in the mountains away from all of the distractions!

They went with the scouts and leaders from our ward. 
He said that they ate like kings, played cards and capture the flag, and hiked 64 miles total in the week!

So glad my love got to do what he loves and enjoys! 
But you better believe I have never been happier to see him in my whole life!

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