Monday, December 19, 2011

It's a....GIRL!

20 week picture!!

On December 15th, we FINALLY had our ultrasound to see what we were having! We got in and as soon as we started, the tech told us that she was pretty sure that we were havinga girl. I have had a feeling that it was a girl pretty much the whole time, but I was still in shock. I think that finding out what we were having made it all seem a little bit more real. The tech went over the anatomy of her body with us and it was SO neat. I couldn't believe that all of that was growing and developing inside my body. It really made me realize that Heavenly Father has a plan for everything and everything is in perfect order.
As soon as I saw her little baby foot, I just had tears rolling down my cheeks. She looks so cute and I could feel so much love already. I kept looking at Eli and he was grinning so big. He told me afterwards that this was the best day of his life. :)
During the ultrasound, she was face down so we were told that we weren't going to be able to get a profile picture. I was pretty disappointed, but right at the very end she turned and we got the most perfect picture! Immediately Eli said "She has definitely got her mommy's nose. We could see her little nose, lips and chin. SO cute!
I could not stop staring at the picture for the next couple of days. We went and showed our family members and shared the news with them!
Our little Remington will be her in no time at all and we could not be happier to start our family together!


  1. iT GOES SO FASt too! Enjoy every minute of being preggers. I am always in awe at how loving our Father in Heaven is. And how lucky we are as women to get to experience something so unique!

  2. I felt with both of my pregnancies that I knew the gender: the first was a boy and the second was a girl. I couldn't explain it but I just felt like I knew. And I know the immediate attachment and love you feel. We can't to actually carry out a pregnancy and meet our little ones. So exciting for you two!!

  3. I am sooo happy for you :) And she's gonna be just as beautiful as her mommy. I miss you, Hopefuly we'll make it up there in the spring just in time for you to have your sweet girl. Love you girly!

  4. So excited for you Savanah!!! Wait till you get a 3-D picture. They are so awesome! She is already beautiful!
